Thursday, September 1, 2011

Reflection (Term 3)

In a blink of an eye, we have come to the end of a hectic term 3. This term was filled with competitions which resulted in missing certain lessons, thus having to catch up each time. This term's topic was on light. Practical lessons were down to the minimum considering the lack of time as method of learning was different from the previous terms. This term it was more of independence in self-study learning in which lessons were only used to clarify doubts and going through of answers in our worksheets.

Unfortunately for me, i faced difficulty trying to understand the topic depending solely on myself. I always get puzzled by the difference between convex and concave mirror, and how the image will appear on both mirrors. The drawing of the ray diagrams was also a huge hurdle for me. However, the problem was easily solved when i went to seek help from my willing friends and also my elder sister.

As physics is not a subject that could be memorised, we still hid a few scarce practical lessons to have hands-on session. This aided me a lot in understanding the laws of physics and light, both reflection and refraction.

For this term’s test, even though I got 33/40 which is an A1, I am still very much disappointed in my results as I was far below average and at least 4 marks were lost due to carelessness and sloppy drawing. To make matters worse, the test was also rather easy with only a handful that did not get A1. Now that I have basically no chance of an exemption, I will have to start on my revision for the EOYs soon, aiming for yet another A1.


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