Thursday, September 1, 2011


After going through my term 1 Sabbatical that is related to magic, science and religion, I have some thoughts about Science. I feel that the purpose of science is to expand the human knowledge. Magic are merely illusions while religion is based on belief. On the other hand, Science is all about logic and rational when compared. Unlike thousand years ago, Science today is not the same of what is in the past, but certain principles remain the same. Science has undergone rapid development, no matter how much science develops there will still be some unanswered questions such as the origin of life which to date is unable to explained scientifically, though as time passes more questions are answered. Scientist gather evidence to create theories that explain things such as phenomenon (E.g. Newton’s Law of Motion) However on the positive side of these unanswered questions, it can drive science forward through search of new knowledge.

Perhaps, in some cases it is very difficult to determine the boundaries of science, or how much is science allowed to go, and what is considered unethical/wrong. (E.g. Clones). In this sabbatical we viewed a movie called “The Island” which mainly revolves around the clones of wealthy sponsors. In the movie, there were many problems surfaced such as the sponsors using these clones organs to save themselves for future uses. Therefore, in my opinion science, like everything else, also needs some regulations because uncontrolled science could cause many negative outcomes, doing quite the opposite of what science should realy stand for, constantly improving human well-being.

This is the trailer to the movie although it does not talk anything related to the clones. You have to watch the entire movie to know about the clones and i would say it is quite a nice movie!

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